Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kayako Installation - Step By Step Ubuntu server

Kayako is a ticketing system which is also having live chat enhancement.
I have got a chance to install and configure  Kayako ticketing system in an ubuntu server . I am sharing the step by step configuration which I follow to install it in my environment.(Obviously kayako support personnel help me a lot for this )

Note: This is the way I configured, you can try this ,if it works then it is good ,Otherwise don't complain me because there may be a chance of errors because of any version change or bugs or updates or anything.

Prerequisite :
1)Ubuntu Server 9.4 or above

Step 1.
Login to the ubuntu server with root privilege

Step 2 .

Install all Prerequisites
#apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php5-imap php5-mcrypt php5-gd

Step 3.

Install MySQL server
#apt-get install mysql-server-5.1
Imp:it will ask for Username and password   remember it for the further configuration
# apt-get install php5-mysql

Step 4

Install and configure  Zend optimizer as shown below link
Or I am describing it for you as same as in the above link

The Zend Optimizer enables you to run Zend Guard encoded files.
1. Download a copy of Zend Optimizer / Guard from the location below and put it into /tmp
2. Extract
cd /tmp
sudo tar zxvf ZendOptimizer-3.3.9-linux-glibc23-i386.tar.gz
Replace with your actual filename
3. Create a directory to contain Zend optimizer
sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/Zend
3. Move the Zend optimizer lib to a permanent location
sudo mv ZendOptimizer-3.3.9-linux-glibc23-i386/data/5_2_x_comp/ZendOptimizer.so /usr/local/lib/Zend/
Your ZendOptimizer directory name may be different since it includes version numbers and platform. I'm using the 5_2_x_comp directory because I have PHP 5.2 installed.
4. Add reference to your php.ini file (sudo pico /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini)
zend_extension = /usr/local/lib/Zend/ZendOptimizer.so
zend_optimizer.optimization_level = 15
5. Restart apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart


Note :
I have  edited /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini but I found some issue .I added reference the same lines at the bottom of /etc/php5/cli/php.ini  file and restarted Apache .

Step 5 

install apt-get install phpmyadmin for the DB creation
#apt-get install phpmyadmin
Select "Apache2" as webserver while configuring Phpmyadmin
Step 6

#/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Step 7

Now you can access the phpmyadmin application using a web browser.

Login into it and create a DB as per the kayako user manual says .
Please refer the below link for that

I am attaching the text here .For better reference Please check the same in the kayako manual

Setting up the database using Phpmyadmin
1. Login to phpMyAdmin to create a new database (in this guide, we will name the database kayako_suite).
2. Under Create New Database, enter the name of the new database.
3. Click on the Create button to create the database.
4.Click on the Add New User link
5.Select a username and password for this user and remember the details – these will be used at a later stage. It is recommended that you name the database user the same as the Kayako product database for consistency.
6. It is recommended that you set the Host to localhost – meaning that the only host with permissions to connect to this database is your web server, and no external users.
7.Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Go button to add the new user.
8.Now, this new MySQL user needs to be given permissions to access the database we created earlier (named kayako_suite).
9. On the same page (to which you were taken after adding the user), scroll down to Database-specific Privileges and grand full permission to the user kayako_suite

      Now I think you have a database name , a DB User and a password handy
Now we can move ahead and update the same in the kayako files

Step 8

Please register kayako website for a trial setup and it will allow you to download the kayako installation file .Please note that we are following the Zend based installation So download the compatible file from the kayako link
Download and upload the file into the server
I put the file in the /home/support  folder

Step 9

#tar -xzvf supportsuite.3.70.02.stable.zendclosed.tar.gz

Step 10

Change the kayako configuration file according to the DB which we created before
#vim supportsuite.3.70.02.stable.zendclosed/upload/config/config.php

Here change the data accordingly
$_DB["hostname"] = "localhost";
$_DB["username"] = "root";  -> change root to kayako_suite
$_DB["password"] = "";      -> change "" to "support"
$_DB["name"] = "swift";     -> change "swift" to kayako_suite"

Note :The values may change as per your configuration

Step :11

Copy all files to apache root folder
#mkdir /var/www/support
#cp supportsuite.3.70.02.stable.zendclosed/* /var/www/support/

Step 12

Download the key.php from my.kayako.com site and upload it into upload directory
#cp key.php /var/www/support/upload/

Change the permission of the key file
#chmod 777 /var/www/support/upload/key.php
#chmod 777 /var/www/files/
#chmod 777 /var/www/cache

Now we are ok with the installation. Please restart Apache and if required the server itself

Step 13
Access the application using
http://yourdomain.com/support/upload/setup and you will get the setup page

Please refer to the "Performing a first-time installation" in the http://www.kayako.com/manuals/Kayako_SupportSuite_User_Manual_PDF.pdf  headding for the detailed setup instruction .

There you are you will be able to get kayako running after this

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