Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Openfire in Ubuntu server -Step by Step

 I have successfully completed the configuration in Ubuntu 9.10
Step 1:

#  apt-get update

Step 2 

Install LAMP (Linux-Apache Mysql and Php )
#sudo apt-get install php5 mysql-server apache2
While installing ,MySql will prompt to insert a password for the root user. Please remember this for the later configuration 

 Step 3

Install java6
 #  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin
 Check Java Version for cross verification
#    java –version

Step 4

Set java6 as your default.
 sudo update-alternatives --config java   

 Step 5

Check if php is working:
vi  /var/www/info.php
And put the below details

Brouse http://yourServerip/info.php and you should  get the php info file
 #/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Step 6

Now create a DB user using MySql
#   mysql -u root –p    
Note: Then it prompt for a password and put the password which you have given at the time of MySql installation
 mysql>  CREATE DATABASE openfire;
mySql > exit

Step 7

Download openfire from
Or any other alternative place (use Google for this J)
Upload the tar.gz file into /opt folder in the server
# cp openfire_3_6_4.tar.gz  /opt/
#cd /opt/ 
 # tar -zxvf openfire_3_6_4.tar.gz   To un-tar the file
(Please check the file extracted  in to the opt folder itself)

Step 8

 Create a symlink
# ln -s /opt/openfire/bin/openfire  /etc/init.d/
 Make the symlink executable
 #chmod +x /etc/init.d/openfire
 Add openfire to our startup.
 #update-rc.d openfire defaults
 Fix the nohup error.
 Run the following command or you will get the following error: nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
  nohup ls >ls.log 2>&1 &
Here you are .Now you can access the openfire using 

Step 9

http://your_server_ipaddress:9090/ .The rest of the configuration is very simple .
Hint :For biginners ,please select embeddedDB for ease of configuration  .

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