Friday, December 14, 2012

Lync Conferencing Announcement management With Powershell

Lync Conferencing Announcement management With Powershell

As mentioned in the Technet article below o
the output of the
Get-CsDialinConferencingConfiguration command is

Identity                                                           : Global
EntryExitAnnouncementsType             : ToneOnly
EnableNameRecording                             : True
EntryExitAnnouncementsEnabledByDefault : False

EnableNameRecording   :Determines whether anonymous participants are asked to record their name before entering the conference. The default value is "$true," which means that anonymous participants are prompted to state their name when joining a conference. (Authenticated participants do not record their name because their display name is used instead.)

EntryExitAnnouncementsEnabledByDefault  : Indicates whether announcements are turned on or off by default. The default value is "$false," which means that by default there are no announcements when participants join or leave a conference. The meeting organizer can override this setting when scheduling a meeting.

EntryExitAnnouncementsType  : Indicates the action taken whenever a participant joins or leaves a conference for which announcements are enabled. The default value is "UseNames," which means there is an announcement similar to the following: "Ken Myer has joined the conference" when announcements are turned on.

Set-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration -EnableNameRecording $True -EntryExitAnnouncementsType "ToneOnly"
The only other option is "UseName" here the entry/exit announcement will be with the user name

Get-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration -Filter "site:*" | Set-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration -EnableNameRecording $True
There we can put the different site name by replacing the * accordingly.

Get-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration | Set-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration -EntryExitAnnouncementsEnabledByDefault $false

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Most useful Powershell Commands for Exchange

To track emails whether it is delivered or not

1) Get-MessageTrackingLog -Recipients -sender | fl *time*,*subject*

If you want to input the sender and recipient you can use the below command
2) Get-MessageTrackingLog  -sender (read-host "Sender") -Recipients (read-host "Recepient")| fl *time*,*subject*

Atleast Sender name or  recipient name anyone should be there to get the result. If you want to get all Senders or all recipient don’t give any inputs just hit enter in the prompt

3) Get the list of   SMTP addresses
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Select-Object DisplayName,ServerName,PrimarySmtpAddress, @{Name=“EmailAddresses”;Expression={$_.EmailAddresses |Where-Object {$_.PrefixString -ceq “smtp”} | ForEach-Object {$_.SmtpAddress}}} |Export-csv Addresslist.csv
This will generate the list of all user details with their primary and secondary SMTP address and import to a csv file

4) get the list of Active Directory users who haven’t updated their Phone numbers
get-user -resultsize Unlimited |Where {$_.mobilePhone.length  -lt 8 -and $_.Phone.length -lt 8 -and $_.SamaccountName -like "U*"} |select Name,SamaccountName,MobilePhone,Phone |export-csv E:\MissingNumbers.csv –NoTypeInformation

5) Get the List of all email address of users to a powershell.
This script  can also used to get the complete list of secondary email addressess  or to  export Primary and secondary email IDs to csv

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object DisplayName,@{Name="EmailAddresses";Expression={$_.EmailAddresses |Where-Object {$_ -LIKE "SMTP:*"}}} | Sort | Export-Csv E:\Sachin\SecEmail.csv

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Error While exporting Dbimpexp.exe in Lync

While exporting contact list using DBimpexp.exe an error occurs like below
SQL Schema Version: 59
User Data Schema Version : 21
Exporting 8037 Homed Resource(s) from database...
Error: '', hexadecimal value 0x1A, is an invalid character.
Issue :
The exporting of Lync contact list was failing after 80% of completion. So  Dbimpexp.exe was not working hence no contact list backup as such. We were completely relay on DB backup but the contact list backup is very critical to re-push the individual contact list for the users if any failure happened. We were getting a 300+ MB file which was having details till approximately 80% of user details.
Cause :
This is because there is a chance of an extra junk character entered into the contract list of a user or more. But to identify which user was having the issue is a complicated thing.
Step 1 :
 Get the list of all sip enabled users using Lync management shell
I took the list of all users who have enabled for sip by the below command in Powershell
Get-CsAdUser |fl Sipaddress  >> emailIDs.txt  and get the list of Sip enabled users to a notepad. Using excel tricks I have removes the string sip: .
eg:   to and also I have removed unwanted space as well.
Note: You can use  the command get-csuser |FL windowsemailAddress  if sip URI is same as email address.

Step 2:
copy dbimpexp.exe from
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Support
(Path may change as per your configuration) and put it in a new folder. Copy emailIDs.txt file which we have previously generated also to the same folder .
Create a batch file with a friendly name (Me it is Backup.bat) and save it in the same folder.
Content of the Batch file is as below :

FOR /F %%i in (emailIDs.txt) do (
DBIMPEXP.EXE /hrxmlfile:UserListFolder\%%i.xml /  /user:%%i >>CommandOutput.txt
echo %%i >>output.txt

This batch file will take each user from emailIDs.txt file and do an individual contact backup and put the output into a new folder named userListFolder with the username.xml format .This also append the output of the command prompt to a file named CommandOutput.txt .When ever the loop takes a user it will append the command line and then it will also append the username next to it.
By that we will get the exact user details who created the issue
Sample CommandOutput.txt file is given below

Export completed successfully.

SQL Schema Version: 59
User Data Schema Version : 21
Exporting 1 Homed Resource(s) from database...
100% complete.
Export completed successfully.

SQL Schema Version: 59
User Data Schema Version : 21
Exporting 1 Homed Resource(s) from database...
100% complete.
Export completed successfully.

SQL Schema Version: 59
User Data Schema Version : 21
Exporting 8037 Homed Resource(s) from database...
Error: '', hexadecimal value 0x1A, is an invalid character.

SQL Schema Version: 59
User Data Schema Version : 21
Exporting 1 Homed Resource(s) from database...
100% complete.
Export completed successfully.

So in this case User104 was creating issues.
Step 3
Now open ADSIedit and get the details on this user.and check any inappropriate details as there in all fields.
If you couldn’t find any issues,open LDP and then connect to the same computer .
Open the user who is having the issue and copy the details to the notepad .
Save the file with the name Baduser.txt.
Open a normal user who have successfully exported and copy its details aswell.
Paste it to a new notepad and save with the name GoodUser.txt.
Download any file compare software and compare gooduser.txt and baduser.txt.
(I use Beyond Compare software ,trial version is enough for one time use)

While comparing 2 files which I got from ldp ,I found the street address of the user whose backup was failing ,was having an entry like
streetAddress: <ldp: Binary blob 84 bytes>;
After opening the Street address details in ADSIEdit,I found there is a Junk Character like [-> ] which was causing the issue.I changed the same and Done !!!!!.the backup completed successfully.

Monday, August 27, 2012

OCS Addressbook error (Resolved)

While expanding a distribution list OCS user recieve the below error

Error 1
Cannot synchronize with the corporate address book. This may be because the proxy server setting in your web browser does not allow access to the address book. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
Error 2
Distribution group service could not perform this action .Contact system administrator to investigate this problem.

Case study :
The issue happened because of the internal certificate which is renewed.
I took the configuration information of the MOC client and took the internal Url entry
Eg. Internal From Server :
While browsing this URL I found it was not opening. Then checked the IIS in one frontend server and checked the certificate associated to that (edit bindings-option) Select new certificate and clicked OK.

And Issue is resolved :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lync Topology publishing error

Error: Script failed (code "ERROR_VALIDATE_BAD_SQL_VERSION") when installing "CentralMgmtStore" on "<systenmane>". For details, see the following log file: "C:\Users\Administrator.LYNCTEST\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Create-CentralMgmtStore-<systemname>[2012_08_21][14_31_26].log"

Error: An error occurred: "Microsoft.Rtc.Common.Data.SqlConnectionException" "Cannot open database "xds" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'LYNCTEST\Administrator'."

Running script: C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\DbSetup\xdssetup.wsf" /dbexists /sqlserver:<systemname> /publisheracct:LYNCTEST\RTCUniversalServerAdmins /replicatoracct:LYNCTEST\RTCUniversalConfigReplicator /consumeracct:LYNCTEST\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins /role:master /verbose
Installed SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility version is 8.05.2312
Connecting to SQL Server on <systemname>
SqlMajorVersion : 10
SqlMinorVersion : 0
SqlBuildNo : 1600
Error: SQL version is not high enough. SQL Server 2005 must be major version 9 and build 4035(SP3) or higher. SQL Server 2008 must be major version 10 and build 2531(SP1) or higher. SQL Server 2008 R2 must be minor version 50 and build 1600 or higher. This SQL Server is major version 10, minor version 0 and build 1600.
When running /dbexists, non-zero exit codes are not necessarily errors

Running script: C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\DbSetup\xdssetup.wsf" /sqlserver:<systemname> /publisheracct:LYNCTEST\RTCUniversalServerAdmins /replicatoracct:LYNCTEST\RTCUniversalConfigReplicator /consumeracct:LYNCTEST\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins /dbpath:"C:\CsData\CentralMgmtStore\(default)\dbpath" /logpath:"C:\CsData\CentralMgmtStore\(default)\logpath" /role:master /verbose
Installed SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility version is 8.05.2312
Connecting to SQL Server on <systemname>
SqlMajorVersion : 10
SqlMinorVersion : 0
SqlBuildNo : 1600
Error: SQL version is not high enough. SQL Server 2005 must be major version 9 and build 4035(SP3) or higher. SQL Server 2008 must be major version 10 and build 2531(SP1) or higher. SQL Server 2008 R2 must be minor version 50 and build 1600 or higher. This SQL Server is major version 10, minor version 0 and build 1600.

Other relative errors

Error: An error occurred: "Microsoft.Rtc.Common.Data.SqlConnectionException" "Cannot open database "xds" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'LYNCTEST\Administrator'."

Error: Script failed (code "ERROR_VALIDATE_BAD_SQL_VERSION") when installing "CentralMgmtStore" on "<Systemname>". For details, see the following log file: "C:\Users\Administrator.LYNCTEST\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Create-CentralMgmtStore-<Systemname>[2012_08_21][14_44_59].log"
  and in this doc it is showing the DB is not
compatible with the version
"Error: SQL version is not high enough. SQL Server 2005 must be major version 9 and build 4035(SP3) or higher. SQL Server 2008 must be major version 10 and build 2531(SP1) or higher. SQL Server 2008 R2 must be minor version 50 and build 1600 or higher. This SQL Server is major version 10, minor version 0 and build 1600."

Error: An error occurred: "Microsoft.Rtc.Common.Data.SqlConnectionException" "Cannot open database "xds" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'LYNCTEST\Administrator'."

One solution  as below

Solution :

The first part of  errors mainly due to the SQL server connectivity and  second part is with the compatibility issue
. Check the SQL server whether named pipe and TCP/IP configuration have enabled or not. Also check whether  the required ports are enabled on the SQL server firewall, you will be able to solve the first part.

Install the service pack of SQL  2008 to rectify the second issue

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Most useful Powershell Commands for Lync and OCS

Note : Please run Powershell commands on your own risk. Author or this blogger won’t take any responsibility for the accuracy of any scripts .Please try it in your lab environment before doing it in production environment

How to get all users configured in OCS server using Lync Management shell
 (Get-CsUser -OnOfficeCommunicationServer) | ft samaccountname,Name
To count number of users in OCS
(Get-CsUser -OnOfficeCommunicationServer).count
Similarly :
How to get all users configured in OCS server using Lync Management shell
(Get-CsUser -OnLyncServer) | ft samaccountname,Name
To count number of users in Lync
(Get-CsUser -OnLyncServer).Count

The above will show the list of users who are enabled for OCS /Lync  with their Sam account name and their Display names
How to finds AD disabled accounts who are still enabled for Lync.
Most of the organizations have their policy which only permits disabling a user once they resigned. If the user was enabled for OCS/Lync and their AD account got disabled, their presence will show as “Offiline” for others .Since the user is resigned we can remove them from the OCS GAL  rather than keeping them as in “Offline “ state.

1)Powershell  cmd to display users who were enabled for OCS/Lync but AD account is Disabled
Get-CsAdUser | ?{$_.UserAccountControl -match "AccountDisabled" -and $_.Enabled -eq $true} | ft Name,Enabled,SipAddress -auto
2) Delete OCS/Lync attributes for Users who are already disabled in AD

Get-CsAdUser | ?{$_.UserAccountControl -match "AccountDisabled" -and $_.Enabled -eq$true} | Disable-CsUser
Easiest method for sending email from Powershell V2

send-mailmessage -from -to "" -subject "The Test Subject" -body "Please find the attachment " -Attachment "Attachment.txt" -smtpServer

By adding the above line in a Powershell will sent an automated mail after  the script with the attachment
Display  email address and corresponding  samaccount name of all  CS-AD-users

Get-CsAdUser | select  WindowsEmailAddress,samaccountname
How to change Font size on OCS client, if it is accidently increased or decreased.
If font size is increased automatically or due to any accidental key stroke
CTRL+[ to increase and  CTRL+] decrease
How to find the last reboot time of a windows systemnet statistics workstation | find "Statistics"
systeminfo | find "Up Time"
systeminfo | find "System Boot Time"
How to remove Old OCS dialin conference numbers
In Lync Server Management Shell type
and find the name corresponding to PrimaryUri :
eg: PrimaryUri :
Then set the dialin Conference uri as shown below
Set-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber -Identity -ScopeToSite
to do the replication
How to get details whether all Lync services are running or stopped.
Get the complete service list Get-service
Display services which are stopped /started
 Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "stopped"}
 Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "started"}

How to do a graceful reboot .
Stop-CsWindowsService -graceful

Finds Lync users whose AD account is disabled

>Get-CsAdUser | ?{$_.UserAccountControl -match "AccountDisabled" -and $_.Enabled -eq $true} | ft Name,Enabled,SipAddress -auto
To get the count
>(Get-CsAdUser | ?{$_.UserAccountControl -match "AccountDisabled" -and $_.Enabled -eq $true} | ft Name,Enabled,SipAddress -auto).count
To disable them add the command at the last
>Get-CsAdUser | ?{$_.UserAccountControl -match "AccountDisabled" -and $_.Enabled -eq $true} | ft Name,Enabled,SipAddress -auto|Disable-CsUser
Replace or delete a repeated string from a file

$original_file = 'Filename.txt'
$destination_file =  'Filename_new.txt'
(Get-Content $original_file) | Foreach-Object {
    $_ -replace '<StringValue>', ''
    } | Set-Content $destination_file

This script will take the content of the "Filename.txt" and remove the value in the <stringValue> and create a new file without the stringValue.

Remove space from a file

gc FilenameWithSpace.txt | where {$_ -ne ""} |out-file FilenameWithoutSpace.txt

This command will remove the space from the file and create a new file with the result


Get the list of Lync enabled users with their email IDs
Get-CsAdUser | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq $True -and $_.WindowsEmailAddress -ne '' -and $_.UserAccountControl -inotlike '*disabled*'}  |FT windowsemailaddress |Out-File emailid.txt

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An error occurred during the pool backend detection: Pool backend discovery failed. Failed to start SQL service or invalid SQL instance (Solved)


When you try to create an enterprise pool by using the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 or Microsoft Office Communications Server deployment wizard, you receive the following error message:

"An error occurred during the pool backend detection
Pool backend discovery failed
Failed to start SQL service or invalid SQL instance.
This can happen due to network or credential problems. Please make sure networks is good and logon has sufficient permissions."


·         Task 1
In the FE  configuration wizard ,in SQL Server instance box try to use FQDN rather than its netbios name

If OCS is using default instance do the change accordingly

·         Task-2

Check the DNS in the AD whether OCS Pool name is added or not

·         Task 3

Check the windows firewall is configured properly so that it wont stop any communication between OCS front end server and SQL backend servers .Preferably stop the firewall and check first , if it is working fine then try to add the relevant rules for security standpoint

·         Task 4

Check whether SQL server, SQL browser and SQL agent services are running in the SQL server. If this is a freshly installed SQL server, try to open the SQL management studio and connect to the SQL DB to check it is working fine.

·         Task 4

Install the latest service pack for the installed SQL version and reboot the server

·         Task 5

Check whether the user is having sufficient privilege  in both SQL and OCS (for OCS the user must be a member of  RTCUniversalServerAdmins group) and in SQL user preferably should be in sysadmin group (I am not sure whether any other privilege is sufficient or not )

·         Task -6

Check whether the SQL server is configured to accept remote connections.
o    Click Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 and select SQL Server Configuration Manager.
o    Select “SQL Server Network Configuration “
o    Double click on “Protocols for SQLEXPRESS”
o    Check whether TCP/IP is enabled or not, if not enabled and select Yes to enable it .
o    In the next tab “ IP address “,check whether the port number is same for all the TCP port field, (default port is 1433) and change accordingly ,for me it is 1433 itself for all .
o    Check whether IP address of the SQLserver is added into the IP address field under IPA2 heading.
o    Restart the SQL server services from services.msc and

·         Task -7

Click “Retry “option in the FE server.

Monday, March 12, 2012

communicator cannot connect to the server because the required security is not in place (Solved)

OCS client is  not able to expand users in any of the AD group lists . It is showing error as below
“Communicator cannot connect to the server because the required security is not in place”

The issue was with the certificate which is not providing a secure channel between the user computer and the server

I tries the below links from the user system and found it was showing a certificate error

Note: where is the FQDN of the OCS pool

Then I installed the certificate from the IE itself and the issue resolved

Monday, March 5, 2012

Desktop Share Icon not in OCS and Lync client (Solved)

desktop sharing icon  not in MOC
Desktop share option is not in OCS
I was installing  OCS and Lync in the same domain for testing purpose. After installing the complete infrastructure I realized that “Desktop Sharing “option was not available on both OCS and Lync clients. It was disappeared in the client window L . After googling for some time I realized that it is because “Global policy “was not configured yet on both OCS and Lync
Enable Desktop share in OCS
To enable this open OCS R2 administration console, select Global Properties, Meetings tab, locate Default Policy (under Policy Definition) and click Edit.  Check “Enable Program and Desktop Sharing” and “Allow control of shared programs and desktop”
For anonymous desktop sharing use, select “Allow users to invite anonymous participants” within the OCS global properties
Enable Desktop share in Lync
Open “Lync server Control panel” and select “Conferencing “in the left side pane. Edit “Global” settings. And select “enable Application sharing “ and Enable Application sharing and Desktop “
After these settings preferably do a service restart which will enable “Desktop Share” window in the clients communicator client

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Prerequisite installation failed: Wmf2008R2 (Solved)

Prerequisite installation failed: Wmf2008R2  is the error while I tried to install  Setup or remove Lync Components”


This error is due to the prerequisite check for the Media-Format-Package and returns the following information back to the Setup Lync Server components page: And the installation file couldn’t find the 2008R2 version of Windows Media Format.


Open the server manager and open features and check whether “Desktop experience “option is selected or not. If not, check the box and install it.
Note: This installation requires a reboot

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to broadcast message using OCS (Solved)

Broadcast your message in OCS

OCS supports command line application which will broadcasting messages to all users who were logged into OCS infrastructure . Sometimes administrator needs to warn users about upcoming outage or any incident throughout the organization and this is an easiest way of doing it. The user who needs to sends the broadcast should  be a member of RTCUniversalServerAdmins group and preferably the admin user should logged  into any of the FE server for better performance.

Step 1.
Login into any of the FE server and search for lcscmd.exe on it. It will be in the installation folder of Office communications software, or else you will get it in the installation CD of OCS server.

Step 2.
Open command prompt and change the directory where you have located lcscmd.exe
For me it is
C:\Users\administrator.UST\Desktop\OCS 2007 R2 X64 Ent Edition Server\2007R2\64BIT\Setup\amd64>  
Because I have a copy of the installation files in my desktop

Step 3.
Type the below command and hit enter
LCScmd /Server /Action:BroadcastMessage /Role:SE Message:"Type here your message"
/Role:SE indicates it is for Standard edition installation and replace with /Role:EE for enterprise users.

Note: in my EE installation I even run /Role:SE without any issue (so seems this change is optional)

Done !!!!!! :)
All users who logged in will get the message from .
The output of the command clearly denotes whether the command run successfully,how many users received this message, how many failed and also a log file will also generate on the %temp% folder which will completely describe the command execution flow including the error logs

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to get communicator chat or conference logs

Get communicator chat logs from Achieving server

Previously OCS administrators were not confident enough to get Old chat logs because it requires more complex  SQL queries  to get chat logs exported from OCS Achieving server .Now MS released a new tool "OCSArchiveViewerSetup" which is having a GUI to retrieve the chat logs easily.
In the achieving and monitoring server install OCS Achieving tool "OCSArchiveViewerSetup". This is a free tool and the installation doesn’t cause any service interruption (as I experienced)  .It can be downloaded from microsoft (just google it )..After installation it will ask for database to locate .Add the server name and instance name (ServerName/Instance) if default installation no need to specify instance name, and click Connect.
Put the complete sip Uri of the user to get the chat log. There is an option to select the time limit to get more refined chat logs .The tool is having an option to export the chat logs to IE too.

Monday, February 13, 2012

PLEASE IGNORE - Temporary item created by Microsoft Conferencing Add-in for Outlook (Version 8.0.6362.187)


I faced similar issue with Conferencing add-in Version 8.0.6362.143 and 8.0.6362 .187 versions .And users were receiving empty appointments in their calendar. With subject line

PLEASE IGNORE - Temporary item created by Microsoft Conferencing Add-in for Outlook (Version 8.0.6362.187)

I updated the Conferencing add-in with Version 8.0.6362.190 (or above will help ) and resolved the issue

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rule "Reporting Services Catalog Temporary Database File Existence" failed.

Error :

Rule "Reporting Services Catalog Temporary Database File Existence" failed.


Open the folder
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA"
Delete the below files from the folder


After deleting the above files ,click Re-run in the setup window

Rule "Reporting Services Catalog Database File Existence" failed

Error :
Rule "Reporting Services Catalog Database File Existence" failed


Open the folder
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA"
Delete the below files from the folder


After deleting the above files ,click Re-run in the setup window

Monday, February 6, 2012

OCS installation :Windows Media Format Runtime is required in order to install this component

I was trying to install OCS 2007 R2 in Virtual environment
While installing Enterprise edition server I faced a popup as below
"The Windows Media Format Runtime is required in order to install this component. Installing the WMFR may require a system restart to complete the installation. Click OK to continue with the installation"

The issue is resolved after installing some desktop experience feature is installed as below
Open command prompt and type as below
Please make sure the shown *.mum is available in your path. If not find the similar one and change the name and run it

pkgmgr.exe /ip /m:"C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Media-Format-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385.mum"

Eg : C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Media-Format-Package~*.mum and * may be any file which are available

Friday, February 3, 2012

Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created (Solved)

I was trying to install SLL 2008 in a windows 2008 R2 64 Bit server and I faced an error while installation.

SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created

Resolution (1)
After clicking the setup.exe I have closed all the explorer windows and tried to install and the issue didn’t happened again and I was able to install SQL

Resolution (2)
Restart the server first
Open the folder in which you have the SQL installer files.
Open the folder which suits your OS (X86 or X64) and find the file "LandingPage.exe"
Double click on it.
It will ask for the installer folder, select the parent installer folder and click OK.
Then the normal SQL installation pop up will come .
Close all windows other than this setup window (recommended), and do the installation

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cannot synchronize with corporate address book. This may be because the proxy server setting in your browser does not allow to access the address book. If problem persists please contact your administrator

Issue :Communicatior client couldnot showing addressbook entries
I faced an issue with a user saying that he is not able to browse corporate address book and showing an error
·         "Cannot synchronize with corporate address book. This may be because the proxy server setting in your browser does not allow to access the address book. If problem persists please contact your administrator."

I have seen a lot of tutorials related to this but I found an effective way in resolving this issue
Open certificate store using mmc and select Computer certificates
Start-> run->mmc and hit enter
Click File -> Add /remove  snap-in and click add button in Stand alone tab
Select Certificate and click Add
Select Computer account and hit next
Confirm radio button at Local computer click finish and close
Hit ok and you will get certificate console
Open certificates under
2)Trusted root
3)intermediate certification authorities and remove all old certificates before todays date

Close the mmc

Open IE -> Tools-> internet options-> Advanced ->under security settings un-tick “Check for publisher’s certificate revocation
After that the issue is resolved